The End.
New songs online.
It took some time, but soon the new EP is ready. Check out a drum session video of the recordings on youtube
Read the review here (Demo 2008 - in english).
Thanks to Mato Kimlicka!
We`re preparing to release our new EP before this summer.
If you`re intrested in receiving your own copy, or copy of the previous
recording: "Demo 2008", e-mail us to
- Stay on target!
New song online.
The second (finnish) review is from
We have sent the demo also to Tartarean Desire and to the e-Zine
Speed of Light. Thanks to Matthew Kirshner from Tartarean Desire
and Matej Kimlicka from Speed of Light for passing the judgement
on our demo in the hopefully near future.
New song online.
First review of the demo can be found @
Welcome to our portal of eternal darkness.
The site is now open, and we finally have a place
where we can share our dark tales with you.
Also feel free to explore our new demonstrations
of chaos and terror at the media section.